Page 16 - Contrast1988Spring
P. 16

took a long drag and adjusted her oversized glasses nervously.
"It's just not decadent enough."

what?"I crunched on my carrot thoughtfully. ".Enough for

"For me," she said, ever the philosopher.

"But you try to make it that way." I recalled her ~ecent

decorating binge in her dorm room--black curtains, vanegated

hand-and feet prints painted on the walls, mattress on the

floor, the floor itself hidden under countless empty beer cans

and packs of Marlboros. Good thing she doesn't have a
roommate. I sighed. "You ready?"                               .

       She nodded. "What a waste," she said in mock pity as
she crushed out her cigarette, making designs with it in the
ashtray. "It still has so much life in it."

       "For God's sake, Jo, it's just a cigarette." I was ti~ed of
waiting. I stood, balancing my tray on the back of a chair,

waiting for Joan to finish her after-dinner ritual cigarette-
extinguishing. "Come on," I said quietly. "Let's go."

       "Okay, okay, like, I'm Coming--geez!" She got up
slowly, wrapped herself in her great black cloak, and

ceremoniously strode Out the door, leaving her tray behind for
someone else to admire. Suddenly she giggled. "Hey," she
tsoami~g, hlOt?o"king slyly Over her shoulder, "yo~ wanna get drunk

                                  Maryann Rada

                                         Contrast Spring 1988
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