Page 56 - Mather1930SB
P. 56

lE¥~_;-~~~\?~~                        THE GOLD BUG

'Those 'from w.estminster who are tho          WISHES YOU A                                             .. 7 7

guests ,of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Albaugh        PLEASANT              VAOATION                I~1i~~o~~aM~~~~:rand ?au~hter Evelyn,

at their summer home, Friends Camp,                                    -                     ~'lisscs ~[ary  aandth' re:trhaihs  CIty, and the
                                                                                             morc, arc on                         ~enly, Bal~i.
ncar Emmitsburg, are ,C:J.therine lIob·

'by, Eleanor Babylon,  Evelyn    Maothrenre,-                                                _ to )1atural Brid  . day s motor trip
E1izabeth, Ruth, and   Margaret                                                              interest.           ge and other places of

lan, William Mather, Lloyd Elderdioe,

Peano Wantz, and Orville Wright, Bal·

timore.                                        Ufhp_r

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19120 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

                       C!!~autauquu3Jtuttttutbln                     1929

                       NON_TRANSFERABLE TIOKET

         ~I k The penon wlaole name appearl below In collJllderation of the Illue of thll
         j" e at al'rees to pay ObautauQua lnatltutlon One DoUar for each day be re-

            alnl on tbe I'roundl after tbe expiration of thll ticket until the clole of the
           Ilambly. The underlll'ned further asreea to conform with the rulel and

              ulatlonl of OhautauQua lnatltutlon and violation. of laid rule. and rel'ula-

         tiona will r.. ult In forfeiture of all rlghtl sranted by thll ticket.
               Thll ticket mUlt be prelented at tbe entrance sate to be punched on en-

         terlns tbe Sround. or It will not be sood for exit and It mUlt be puncbed on
         I_vlnl' tbe sroundo or It will not be sood for future entranc.. A new ticket
         will b. lalUed to replace thll one at luch time AI the marslll6l numben bave

         been nled. Tbll ticket Is not sood for entrance on Sunday.

         Thll ticket   b.        •up and forfeited If presented by
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