Page 58 - Mather1930SB
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MUSIC STUDENTS EXOELL IN RE-                                                    Maryland                                       FIRST STUDENT REOITAL IN

                   CITAL HELD TODAY                                                       :' 2~w.:>0~~~~                               MUSIC OOOURS TONIGHT

                                                                ~_~~~~~&r-"'--.:"                                                                                                I

        The Music Department continues i.ts                                                                                            The Music Department will present I

at'''U  series of music recitalf on Thursday                                                                                           in St1it~ Hall on Thursday, November
        evening, March 13th/f a¥ 7 :30 P. .M:.                                                                                         21st, In evening of Schumann. This
ne Tho program for the recital to be held
'b~                                                                                                                                    will be the first student recital of the

It      in Smith Hall is as follows:                                                                                                   college year. The program is as rol-
)a      Hindar Song                      Bemberg
  n r':uI t1L - - - -ti Miss Bell                                                                                                      Novelette in F

                                                                                              1hn lYlnr ~  lJ I1~e

        LJUJ n,e,ce ~!UDeh Viani from the Marriage of Figaro                                                                                 +-Evclyn Mather
                            , Mozart                                                                                                   Widmung

                   Miss Strawbridge                             OOLLEGE OALENDAR                                                             +-Amanda Bell

        Sonata opus 31, No.2, 1st movement                      ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23-                                                        +-Isabel Wentz
                                                   Beethoven     Varsity Football; St. Francis; Al-                                    Der Nussbaum
                                                                 toona, Pa.
                            Miss Mather  Brahms                                                                                              -Minnie Strawbridge
                                                                 M nrionotto Porformance ; Alumni                                      Des Abends
        Scherza in E minor I                                     Hall, 2:15 P. M.                                                      Grill on                            l
                            Miss Hobby                                                                                                                                       I
                                                                Marionette Performance; Alumni                                         Ll'aumes Winen
        In the SiIence of tho Night                              Hall, 8:15 P. M.                                                            -Catherine Hobby

        Life                        Pearl G. Curran                                                                              STAG  Du Ring an Meinem Finger
        La Cloche
                     Mr. Weagloy                                                                                    Senior                   -Margaret Lee Nelson
                                         Saint Saenss                                                                                  Papillons

                     Miss No'lson                               SUNDA Y, NOVEMBER 24-                                                  +-Char les Forlines
        Lilacs                                                       011 ego unday School;  Baker                                               .......£..\.o..""''ldiers
        Fireflies                      Frank Bridge                  hapcl, 9:00 A, M.
                     Mr. Forlines                               Baker hapel Servico; 7:15 P, M.

        Scherzo in B minor               Chopin

                           Miss Wallace                         MONDAY,NOVEMBER2~
                                                                   Literary Societies; 6:45 P. M.
        Margaret at the Spinning Wheel

                             Miss Bush   Beethov n               'ul''tis Institute ingors; Alumni
        In Questa Tamba                                         Hall; 8:00 P. M.

        '1'0 the Even ing Star (Tannhauser)                     'rUESDA Y, NOVEMBER 26-

                     Mr. DeHaven                                ociul luba, 7:00 P. M.

        I~                                                      WEDNESDA Y, NOVEMBER 27-
              OEROLE FRANOAIS                                      Varsity occcr , Franklin Mar-
                                                                   shn.ll: Old Athletic Field; 2:30

           La derniere reunion du Cercle Fran-                  P. M,
        cais avant los vacances de Noel aura                    Y. M. C. A. 6:45

        lieu Ie Maurdi 18 Decembre a 7 heuree                   Y. W. C. A. 6:45

        30, McDaniel Hall. Le programme

        sera entierement compose de chants, re- TIIURSDA Y, NOVEMBER 28-

        citations et causeries se. rapport ant a la             'I'hanksgivl ng Dinner                              THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1929

        celebration de Noel et des rafraichisse-                Varsity Football; Muhlcnburg ;

        ments seront servia a la fin du pro-                    Allentown, Pa.

        gramme.                                                 College Players and Powder Puffs;

           Tous Ies membres de la Faculte et lea
        etudiants sont cordiallement invites.

              ~~~==:::==::=====::::::::::::::~La Secretaire,
                                                                Alumni IIall; 8:00 P. M,

                                         M. HOLT.
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