Page 52 - Mather1930SB
P. 52


r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.                                                     : dramatization  of I I Tho Book of Es-
                                                                                                  thcOrn' Mwnil~lh be p1r6eiselnit,ed~ i8n APl.umn~i, Hialllie

                                                                                                  by tho College Players of Western

                                                                                                  Maryland College. 'I'hcre wil1 be no

                                                                                                  charge for admission.

GROUP FROM COLLEGE ENJOYS                                                                            No on can fail to appreciate the
 ENGLISH SINGERS AT PEABODY                                                                       charm of one of the loveliest Bible
                                                                                                  characters ill' a casual reading of the

                                                                                                  story, but as is always the case, the dra-

                                                                                                  matic presentation appeals much more


                                                                                                  All who are interested in the rather

r Charle Bowman HutchinsEN RT I MENT                                                                rare dramatic presentation of Bible

                                                                                                  1 stories in this vicinity, in the study of
                                                                                                  Ithe Bible or even in ecular drama are

                                                                                                  invited to come and witness it.

                                                                                                     A special invitation is extended to
                                                                                                  the churches of Westminster and neigh-
                                                                                                  boring towns,

OIRGAN IRlE00ALS                                    Tue day, April 23, 8.00 P. M.                                              NO :trnees                       1.
                                                                                                              The Theatre G 'Id I
    JlJlll ~~eJ~~ermnde                                              Alumni Hall
§~]~ tare ([Uy 9 1f.H~llil                                                                                             A PI . UI , nc., presents
                                                                           Adults 50 cents                                      ay In Nine Acts

                                                       rrhe r cltul of the pinno and vocal,        "STRANGE
                                                    pupilll of Mr". 'Mh Hrharff!'r and ~lr8.      INTERLUDE"
                                                    Hownrd Rnrnaey, hl'lll at the residence
                                                    of Ir. n nd 1\[1''' .• 1. Penrru Wantz, West  The P By. EUGENE O'NEILL
                                                    )fnin street, TUI'~'l!ly at P. ~1., W:lS
                                                    on of the mnst IItcrtaining nml III"                     rodsuctl(;ln Directed by Phil'

                                                    lightful rel'it,d~ I'VI'r given in We, t-                      ettJngs    by  }o   M're  I' Ip   lvn;;;;:;;====:::::....J
                                                    min t e r, Thl' lovely home of • r. and
                                                    Mr8. Wnntz wns t n tef'ully decorated         PI         IMPORTANT                 NOTICE
                                                    with cut Ilowcr anti potted plant ..
                                                                                                      ease be careful to r .

                                                                                                  i~ca~~at you. will be abi:a~~ Yfi'd seat stubs

                                                                                                  ALI ....on.s again after        the  dinn    n. YOUr seat
                                                                                                                                             er lntermi~si~n .
                                                                                                               ...... ..L.._

   Given under the di.rec I.'on o/tlz,FirsCl I 'sl
Presidency o/Ihe Churth. ~/ Jestls trI

             0/ Lauer-da» Somis

  FRANK W. ASPER ~ OrganISt.
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