Page 17 - Elderdice1917
P. 17

Clubs and Societies.

                     BROWNING LITERARY SOCIETY                                                                                                 WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY

                     THE PRESS REPORTER                                                                                                                                                                     F. MURRAY BENSON

To start the school year properly, how good it is for us to follow and hear-                                                                   Work has been the watch-word of Webster Literary Society from tho

tily support our motto, "Vita sine litteris mol'S est." Yes, we have life and                                                                  time she left the barrier in September and entered upon the course ~ith her

plenty of it, as everyone can see by the enthusiastic spirit of the old girls                                                                  eye singled upon the far off goal of June. The programs have been interest-
and the additional good will of the new girls.
                                                                                                                                               ing but none the less instructive. One of the best programs thus far was the

Our programs have been very interesting. One meeting which was en-                                                                             one given entirely by the new men. At this meeting such a wealth of d~~

tirely given by the new girls, was quite lively and showed their eagerness to                                                                  bating and oratorical ability was developed that the hear~s of those who me

help Browning. However, following the motto, life without letters is death                                                                     interested in the success of Webster received a great uplift. Our new men

so we have endeavored to establish a more serious tone than has been shown                                                                     are rapidly getting into the harness and promise to give the "old Websters"

in our previous meetings. Several times we have had carefully thought-out                                                                      a rub for positions on the two society contests.                                                                      '.

debates, and at other times recitations and good music have added their                                                                        It might not be out of place in this issue to utter a word of praise to ~UI

share of enjoyment.                      .                                                                                                     music department. We have depended upon it to liven up th~ program With

       There is being worked out an idea of impromptu speeches and perform-                                                                    instrumental and vocal music and it has never been found wanting. We have
ances, which so far, have been generally participated in. This genuine in-
~erest has helped Browning. We can also help the society by following some                                                                     had instrumental solos duets and quartets and vocal solos and quartets.
Impromptu suggestions for a "Better Browning." (I)-Be promptly in                                                                              The merry J.esters have ' also been on h an d "t0 drnive dull care away." . In

~our place every meeting. (2)-Take an active interest. (3)-Respond wil-                                                                        this department Mr. "Kris" Moylan has borne away the laurels every time,
lingly to your part in the program. Starting with a motto let me close with
one-"Well begun is half done." Let us make this a notable year as it will                                                                      Altogether this, pleasin, g mi'xture 0f wor k an d p1ay has made the first term of
be for the entire Hill.
                                                                                                                                               our society year one of great interest and helpfulness,                                                            ,

                                                                                                                                               We are arrangin,g a seneiess 0of d eb at es WiItl1 t,l10 Vie,w of having ev,ery Web-

                                                                                                                                               ster appear at least once in debate before the inter-society debate III March.
                                                                                                                                               Watch for your name on the program and waste no tiune I.II p.reparing . W eb-.

                                                                                                                                               sters we have made a flying start, Let us not slacken the pace but keep evei

                                                                                                                                               in mind that he who makes no progress is losing ground,

                                                                                                                   Club "stunts" at schoollu~
• To yourAI~~

                                                                                                                        T~e aU that's good, b

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                                                                                                                                               PFFICE~S AND MEMBERS
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                                                                                                                                                HISTORY AND ACTIVITIES                                                                                 !
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