Page 14 - Elderdice1917
P. 14

:---                                                                                                                                I crl 7               -••

                                                                                                                                                                                     A/ .J - ,VII.Staters ~et E~'en Bl'elllj: .
                                                                                                                                                                                     ~ewark, nei.. Muy ]7 .- DelaJ'tll:e,

                                                             A mrrry lunr~ nf 1l1itt                                                                                                 College andvre~tern Maryland tOl1l1lS

                                                  ....." A quaint quntutinu: (@                                                                                                      teams broke even in their matches this I
                                                                                                                                                                                     afternoon. Each team won two singles
                                                                          HOME                                                                                                       and n double. Suuimarz :                                                            I
                                                                                                                                                                                                     dote.t.ed Blade" We;tern

                                                                                                                                                                                                     '-tl~fea~ed Pusey, Western

                                                                                                                                                                                                .\[arYla.nd, defeateci Gutowitr\"

                                                                                                                                                                                                ~lal'rland, beat Sumwa ll , Dela

                                                                                                                                                                                                I POI'BLJ;;'S.

                                                                                                                                                                                     Downes and ~r<?')1m~n, \'elaW31'e. ']e,featec1 DIRd~

                                                                                                                                                                                     and P'llsey 'Y~6t.cru ~1:lry.,111d,&--3, 6-2
                                                                                                                                                                                       Elde"lice and ,cEil(,. W..,tem ~laryland. defeated

                                                                                                                                                                                     Gut.owitl  •i,Ild Del&lI'lIJ"e. 6-0, 6-1 •


                                                  1----,--'- ---:.:.....;___------                                                   ....

                                                                                                WESTERN MARYLAND'                                                                    ''''_'-I
                                                                                                X WINS TENNIS TOURNEY
                                                                                                13.X\V.e8tminster. Md .. May                                                                        I
                                                                                                tennis tournament here this rnornin:                                                                 ~-~~---.,.--~. ~
                                                                                                ilie team from Washington Collei;~
                                                                                                ,,w.,nt down to a 3-to-2 ~tfeal:ai the

                                                                                                 ~ra~ldsof the Western ;\Ial'y]and racket-
                                                                                                I,,~. Onc match of doubles was not
                                                                                                 finished lit, order that the visitors mi<Tht~
                                                      I                                         I ratch thClY. train. Cain and Sta"m
                                   •  ...:...  ~  ---I
         ._;;'_;:_~'r-                                                                           pel'jor tu their opponents in all of the
                                                                                                matches., Summary:

                                                                                             _  I ~ldel'flicc and Kcstcl', Western Mar r :
                                       j.                                                         land, defeated pykes and Leister 6-~)
                                      __,.---_;_..,._._~---------l--l                                     Elderdlce,     Wester
                                                                                                6-3,       Dykes      6--:t 3-       M' 1 -,
                                                                                  =-            defeated                              . ary and,
                                                                                                II                               6n
                                                                                                LeKisteesrter, 6W-e3stern6-~'1tal' y1a!l,(,]6-d2e.feated.
                                                                                                -"'~ <1cs"" Nestpr•n Mary,Claanmd (I d3efe6a-t1ed'
                                                                                                          -.;:£t""so~t~~~US(ly. We'st~ 'Mary:

         ______~..-.-.~.-------------------~---------'----4                                               1


'-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ----_.-

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