Page 15 - Elderdice1917
P. 15


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I                                      ATHLETICS                                                                                                                                                  )                                                                                                         arks ~

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"                                                                                                15                                                                                                                       18 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE MONTHLY

        ,,                                                                                                                 ~                                                                                              letics of our college and it is a great pleasure to know that we have their sup-
                                       ~:,r1I\THLE T~C~.S J
                                       1-,... :1,t                                                                                                                                                                              Let us not lose our "pep" Western Maryland, and even though we ha~e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          lost our chance for the State Championship we have had our best season m
                                          \                                                                                                                                                                               years, and everybody . get together and pull for our champio. n team m. 1917.

                                       Suffering from the defeat of the preceding Saturday,

                                       at New York, and with the remembrance of two succes-

                                       sive losses at the hands of Delaware College, the ,Green                                                                                                      ITERN                                         Three Cheers!

                                       and Gold went to Newark with but one aim-to decisively.                         rrime seroes                                                                                                               EVELYN BAUGHMAN
                                       beat Delaware-and they succeeded. After the first ten.                            interested
                                       minutes of play W. M. outclassed the team that had the                          } competent                                                                   ltimore p            Three cheers for our gridiron heroes!
                                       week before beaten Penn Military College three touch-                                                                                                                              Who upheld the green and gold
                                                                                                                                                                                                     jteam usii           And who dared you, Johnny Hopkins
                                       downs, While the line held Delaware safe the backfield were scoring two                                                                                                            With your team so great and bold.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and dars             Yes, you beat us there at Homewood
                                       touchdowns and one field goal. The final score was 16-0.                                                                                                                           But you needn't be so proud,
                                                                                                                       .ne stretch                                                                   . s season}          When against our brave eleven
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          You arrayed your M. D. crowd,
                                            For the first time since 1911 George Washington University and Western     hints, that                                                                   1 studen}            But we hope you saved some doctors
                                       Maryland opposed each other on the gridiron and the game was somewhat            most sue-                                                                                         For think, when the game was o'er
                                       similar to that played in that year stated above. Both teams played loose        ague com-                                                                    the coIl
                                       football and the Green and Gold finally was turned in the winner by a 3-0       ested from
                                       score. The only redeeming feature of the game was in the first quarter when                                                                                   [mires fi~
                                       W. M. held G. W. on their own three yard line for four downs after it had       i
                                       been worked down the field on straight football.                                                                                                              lhe spirif  I
                                                                                                                       J common-                                                                     d  does     1
                                                                                                                       ia speedy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ationall (
                                                                                                                        his is due
                                                                                                                                                                                                      re alum             Thirty-five men you had taken.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     rt~ng ~pi.
                                                                                                                        Iseason-                                                                     ctIOn m '            To pile up that winning score.

                                             The Eastern College game was merely a practice game for Western           fefense.on                                                                    ~arYland             If in numbers there lies greatness
                                       Maryland who ran for touchdowns almost at will. Coach Beall used over                                                                                          the best
                                       two teams in the game and even then the team from Manassas was unable           iof the op-                                                                                        Surely, you have won a cheer .
                                       to get within scoring distance of W. M.'s line. The score was 61-0. The         'has' mg m. -                                                                                   (
                                       game although won was costly to W. M. as Woolford the brilliant little hafl-                                                                                                       But we know, for all your boastmg,
                                       back fractured his wrist and may be kept from the rest of the games.            y covering                                                                    e drawn,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     unt of               The quality we have right helle.
                                                                                                                       rIn the part                                                                  imes am
                                                                                                                            line, in                                                                  to test             HGW we held you for two quarters-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Say, wasn't that nobly done?         .

                                                                                                                       lue on the                                                                                         When you'd played three teams ageinst us

                                       The first State game that Western Maryland engaged in was with Mt:              y defense                                                                                          By whom was that great game won?

                                       St. Mary's and the battle took place on College Field before a large crowd of   directed.                                                                                          Three cheers for our spunky heroes!

                                       Green and Gold supporters. Although W. M. had showed flashes of a re~l          I The best                                                                    the goo              For the team that dares to fight!
                                       football team up to this time it had always played out of State teams and this                                                                                                     What's the matter with the whole team?
                                       game was looked forward to with great interest by all the football followers    1
                                                                                                                                                                                                     '06, all'            Sure I say-They're all, all right!
                                                                                                                       lout them                                                                      n '09, a            Rani Rah!Rah! for Western Maryland,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ecking I             And for Kester's sturdy men! .
                                                                                                                                                                                                     h. Gil               ,And we'll get you, Johnny H.opkms,
                                                                                                                       )get start-                                                                   sive.foi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Play and beat you once again:
                                       in Maryland as the outcome, naturally eliminated one of the two teams ~n        ect inter-                                                                    F formi

                                       the race for championship honors. The game was played in a drizzly ram          te of this                                                                    re coml

                                       but nevertheless fumbles were few and good, hard, and clean football w~s        of four or

                                       played by both teams. From the scoring standpoint the game was a dIS-           between

                                       appointment, but from an observer's standpoint it was a treat. The Mou~-        real point                                                                    It hanr
                                       taineers were naturally disappointed at the outcome but it can be truly said    ,v.igor and

                                       that they fought up to the last second of play and made Beall's men keep on     y tucked                                                                      ive tac1

                                                                                                                       ce far be-                                                                    e and

                                                                                                                       f the ele-                                                                    he tea'

                                                                                                                       ~ lighter                                                                     t posit

                                                                                                                       lame sort                                                                     th vig

                                                                                                                       . and suc-                                                                    arry 0'
                                       ceeding years. For the present team the amount of space given in daily
                                                                                                                                                                                                      at that is.euer 18 !lUL WGU "'-I,,:.t't'-~

                                                                                                                                                                                                     rrI needed to be the best quarter III thd
                                                                                                                                                                                                      on his ability as a field general an
                                                                                                                                                                                                      st the weakest spots in the defense.
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