Page 22 - Contrast2012
P. 22

even though I knew she was trying her hardest to maintain her compo-
sure. She was so proud, always trying to keep a strong face. I put my arm
around her hunched, shaking shoulders. I stopped thinking about what
was best for the situation and starting thinking what Wasbest for Aggie,
for my best friend, my sister. Right now, she needed that right arm.

            "It's not a bad little tree;' I said over the sound of the rain, "all
it needs is a little love."

            And then she smiled. Some might have argued, saying it was
only a small lift right cheek, barely suggesting any sort of contentment
but I knew what it was and I knew what it meant. I wasn't about to
doubt in her recovery now, not after I had fought for it this long. A
smile is a smile.

            "That's a nice thought, Linus;' she joked, having caught my
Charlie Brown reference. She turned back down the aisle of trees, care-
fully trekking back towards Jim and his personality. She knew the way
now, all she needed was a gentle turn-around. She wasn't all right but
she would be. She would be.

            Aggie turned around a few feet down the path, that small half
smile still resting on her face.

            "I get it now;' she called out, "Spruce. Spruce the place up.
Sometimes, I can be so fucking funny." She didn't wait for me but
didn't run away either. We all kept our safe distance; me, Aggie, and the

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