Page 142 - Contrast2012
P. 142

Johanna Caruthers

          Prescribed Dosage

I remember being excited about the socks. Beautiful
forest green with rubber treading on both sides, protecting the accident-
prone ill, on the rare occasion we were let up and about. On top of the
gown, next to the paper grocery bag meant for my personal effects.
"Like getting swag at the Oscars," I joked. Your whole body tensed
while you packed up my blue jeans, sweater, house keys.

"Support and the acceptance of your weakness are the keys
to recovery:' the pamphlet read, showing pictures of beautiful
people pantomiming parting with pain in present tense.
As ifbrains healed like broken bones in biking accidents.
Just slather on some plaster and glide into the numbing effect
of morphine, do daily stretches so the muscle doesn't stiffen.

My fingernail beds turned blue, the stiff

air of the room a frigid 64 degrees. You tucked the ki-

wi covers up under my chin, my frailty affecting
your maternal instinct. You were destined to have beautiful
children in the future. Healthy, happy, every accident
forgiven, every boo-boo bandaged. Summers spent in tents

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