Page 49 - Contrast2008
P. 49

is m. edical tap e ex-ed over iIt-the thi.n white       ismells and habits gathered up into clouds

stnps.lou cutoff a roll.               '                hanging open-mouthed and useless while

slee 'Ac"cident", I say. "H ey, watch your              tried to figure out what was missing.
                                                              That was what was wrong with me-there
                                                        was always something missing. Every day, and
siz She J.erks her arm away from a half-dollar          especially just before people sawall of us out
                                                        "as a family." My mother constantly reminded
tine p.uddle of mustar d diIP, and presses li.ttle
                                                                                     me what was missing
e S"izeddams r.n her mashed potatoes.

         Daddy, what          "Daddy, what does it mean to write  about me. She con-
                                        'fuck'?" she says.        vinced me everyone
d'fuoes  .   mean  to  write                                      else in the world knew


ck?." she says.

I I hope I don't I hope I don't look shocked. I probably it, too.
ookshocked.Iprob-                                                       I had every reason
Yacbly d'onto I,m not.        don't. I'm not. Yeah, I am.         to believe her. I mean,

eah, Iam.                                               she always had to look me over really good

th Sbhe's swimgm. g h er Iittle size 5 feet under       before we got in the car, especially if we were

toeta le. I can h ear h er Mary Janes, the hard         going to Mass. She would maybe start out rak-

toeus hcathching an d skiddimg over the linoleum. I     ing her fingers through my hair-then digging

col~ t e tablespoon beside me, and drop my              into my scalp. She had these long, slim fingers,

of meatloaf sandwich halfway off the edge               and neat, pretty nails.
set:~ ~late. A wide drop of sticky coffee has                 I was supposed to love those hands. She

        III the silver cradle.                          said she was my mother-I'd better love all
     When 1was in the fourth grade I didn't             of her. Itried, but I couldn't, even though her
                                                        hands were lovely, like a model's. In fact, when
aknnyobw : hat the word meant-much 'less why

it bOy would write it down. I must have seen            I was really little, I thought she could have been
                                                        a model. Anyway, she would check my hair for
tProby bthl en ,ni the boys' room or somethm. g.        knots. I could hear hair ripping loose. Not a lot

but y heard it, too. I knew how to spell it,

like couldn't have used it in a sentence. Un-           of it. I mean, just the tangled pieces I missed
I leamr Odsteacnl·, qUlet Roman Cathollc. boys,         with my comb. It felt like a hundred little

Scho nle something about "fuck" in Sunday               shocks that lasted just a half second each. After,
      o.                                                it was sore, like a little burn. It tore softly, and
                                                        I pretended the hair were feathers. I imagined
my rnThehreer'was no typi.Cal Sunday mornm. g at

Srnells~aers'.We had all the ordinary wake-up           them floating in the air just above my ankles.

mint le mix of sour warm shaving cream,                 I was dumb about belts and stuff too. Hell,

powd mon mouthwash, Chantilly pink body                 I still can't dress myself My little church pants

fast er ·There was the gulped down break-               would be creased, but the belt would be narrow
                                                        when it should have been wide, or it should
thO-s-geul ey i.nstant oatmeal from a pouch with        have been dark for winter, or the belt was what
                                                        was missing all together. I'd forget she'd hand-
sWall Spongy,sdgui stmg . "app Ie" specks a lCew
         OWsof         ...             '. .-
WhatI orange JUlCewith crumbs (which IS

1if. I Couulsdedeto call pu Ip) and a piece 0 f toast,  washed my green dress socks to match the tie
                                                        I was wearing. She told me a million times, I
SISterD g t to the Sunbeam before my little

dirty lit~n~ stamped the good pieces with her knew what was going to happen when I came

         Y e ngerprints.                                downstairs looking like that. I did know.
           ep. These ordinary Sunday tastes and
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