Page 52 - Contrast2008
P. 52

Jake Schuessler

The Donnadio, or Gift of
God in Modern EngUsh

                    Centimeters separate the fingertips
                    Of God and Adam
                    And us.
                    I am reminded of the slow slide
                    Of your sweaty palm against mine,
                    The times we find excuses for touch,
                     Such as a hug goodbye or a high-five,
                    And how we suspend the separation,
                     Letting our hands slip slowly off each other
                    As we lose our grip,
                     Brushing past the fingertips
                     Of the divine and betrayal.

                     How long can we hold on
                     Before it's cheating?
                     Is it so wrong
                     For life to be
                     Invoked through strokes,
                     And drawn through touch?
                     I am drawn to touch
                     And know life too,
                      Like Adam,
                      Reaching for the gift of God.
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