Page 30 - Contrast2008
P. 30

. h classrooOl
                                                    wanted to tell you to meet me in t t efour-t hi1rrv.,
      Liam cringed at the squeal of the auto-       at five. Detention kids get out a                 d· g
matic faucet as it dribbled to a stop. The bath-
room walls were a faded green, the floor tiles al-  .:uand then I have about a half-hour of gral:'t
ternated green and chalky blue, and the cream
stalls had graffiti on every surface accessible     to do." The distance and metal venting cou
to a boy sitting down. He carried his sopping       disguise the voice nearly enough to keep 11
hands toward the blow dryer and accidentally                                            bli k d his eyes,
                                                    from recognizing it. He m e                                   bly

                                                    opened and closed his mouth, and nurn

breathed deeply through his nose. The feces         started drying his damp hands.                                A

blended with lemony industrial cleaning solu-       The voice, Henry, was Mr. Nurrney. d
tion tinged by the Kills 99.9% of Germs soap,                                                 L1·arn  stOppe
and Liam looked up                                  moment  or  two     of  the  dryer  an d                 h
                                                                                 bliinkimg. 'Ihe bat d~

as he passed under the   "What are you doing in here, Henry?                     room was envelope
recently broken vent.   This is the girls' bathroom, what would
One of the older boys                                                            m. S·I1ence as       LiafJl
                                                                                 thought about
                                                                                                      d Mr.
had decided to climb people think if they saw you going in the woman an laIl~
                                                                                 Nurmey were p
through the vent to     and out of the girls' bathroom? This is                  nm. g        do . Be             fig~
get over the wall and         completely inappropriate."                                to                        but

above the girls' bath-                                                           ured he kneW, .
                                                                                                      ive hIS
                                                                                 wanted to gl Be
room. Liam had heard

that the boy was pushing the fan out of the         friends conclusive first-hand evi~en~~ ways

way, so that he could climb through, when it        walked out of     tdheetebnatitohnrooemverthhienkwinogUldnt,  ta.tlk
broke, at which point the boy and his compa-        to get the first

triots, who had been holding him up to the          himself out of.                                               the
vent, had run off.
                                                    During his detention Liarn went to IlO
      The lack of an intermittent, whirring fan
created a student presentation silence, the qui-    befaaarvtehe.rsodTorhmoeppioanngefetwococnmovmoerrpesaarteit.oimnWe.sIt.hheTthhdee·1draeftoewrvneadorshoetthaiser
et that precedes a failure. Just before he reached
the hand dryer he heard a female voice filtered     was so fast and distorted by distanC~ anWhile
through the ceiling tiles and metal venting that
startled him.                                       vent he couldn't understand any of It.. d for
                                                                          .      drriIp byan  drewadaalIgtreafeIIiltii~.
       "What are you doing in here, Henry?          he watched     the           toilets and
This is the girls' bathroom, what would people                          minutes
think if they saw you going in and out of the
 girls' bathroom? This is completely inappropri-    five he sat on one of the

                                                    He found a few gross drawings of rn ~"'~ever
                                                    .talia, and a           boeffoalrteerethdeyprfo:av1e1.r'''bas·l.ldw0a"ArtvccSh~~
                                                    count your     couple

ate." Liam did not recognize the woman's voice      sight is always 20/20!" In order to stO? f wis~
but could tell by her tone that she was nowhere     ing the clock, Liam adde d hiIS own bit 0. g the

near actual anger, which intrigued him even         dom using a tack he'd found while cleanhIllr the
more. Who could she be talking to, who was          classroom for hi.s. detention:      "yOUcanea1                     f
Henry?                                                                                                            ok
       "I know, I know, Minerva, I am going to
                                                    girls through the vent. "H e li1kedh the01.0Ilt· r-JO
                                                    what he left. It was clear and to t e p h alld

ge.tout of here as quick as I can. My 8th grade     wit necessary; the brilliance was enoug ,

SCience~las~starts in a minute, so I can't stay     inherent to the discovery.                        door alld

for a quickie even if you would let me. I just      Liam slunk out the bathroorn
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