Page 9 - Contrast2006
P. 9
Jenna Layman
"Thanks for driving, Dad," whose eyeshadow matched the
Melissa said as she climbed out of fabric irises wrapped around the
the Blazer, careful not to brush her wall sconces. The name Cindy was
white linen skirt against the once- etched into her glossy gold name
white SUV. Her father nodded as tag.
they walked toward the door of the After a moment of silent "you
cafe, pulled along by scented prom- go firsts," Melissa asked for cream
ises of bacon and French toast. The dried beef over home fries with a
tinkling bell drew a wave from the side of white toast. Her mother al-
hostess, and they shuffled around ways spent hours planning healthy
the few tables occupied by middle- meals for their family and would
aged women and elderly couples. have gagged at the mere thought
Melissa's feet sank into the jade car- of a plate of cholesterol and gravy,
pet, and the garden of Van Gogh but her father joined her indulgence
prints on the walls far exceeded and said, "I'll have the same." Me-
her expectations. Absent were the lissa hated that she had inherited
stained linoleum and bikers that her father's ghost-like skin, but she
populated the normal breakfast silently thanked her taste buds for
haunts her father chose. taking after him. His aging waist-
"This place is... nice," she of- line was beginning to show the Sun-
fered. She caught the surprise in day morning breakfasts he enjoyed
her tone and hoped her father didn't every week, but Melissa was willing
notice. to doom her own trim figure to that
"Yeah, it's alright," he grunted. fate for home fries.
They froze in the midst of the tables, Cindy bustled away, and a near-
and Melissa abruptly sat down in ly identical ray of sunshine bounced
the closest empty chair. Her father up to the table balancing coffee pots
followed, and his brown eyes met full of the dark liquid. Melissa's
her anxious green. father glanced at her in surprise as
"What can I get you both this they simultaneously pushed their
mornin'?" sang a beaming woman mugs to the edge of the table to be