Page 61 - Contrast2006
P. 61
God knows how. What follows is over heels in love and you have to
my last conversation with you. see each other every single day.
"Brian, I need to tell you some- But when they die, it's like your
thing." heart is locked up away forever. Life
without your one true love isn't life
"Sure, please, go ahead." at all. It is an empty shell of what
"I love you Brian. The years we life used to be. These last fourteen
spent together were everything I years have been among the worst of
could have asked for; you are ev- my life without you. You were sto-
erything I could have asked for." len away from me, but none of that
"Lauren, I love you. This isn't matters anymore.
fair, you didn't deserve this."
"Oh Brian, all of us have to die I want to die. I've wanted to die
someday. The end of life doesn't for fourteen years. I won't pretend
mean the end of love. to be courageous, and I know if you
"I love you Lauren." heard me say that you would yell
"I love you too." at me. But I have missed you. My
You died that day. heart has ached to see you again.
And here I am. I've waited four-
teen years to see you again. When And now, I finally get to be with
your love dies, it takes you back. you, forever. I'll never be without
It takes you back to the days when you, my love, my best friend.
you were young, when you are head
At this moment, I'm leaving.
Take me away.