Page 59 - Contrast2006
P. 59

September 24, 2061: Every day       at all.
you made progress. You hair began           "Your legs! What's wrong with
to grow back. We had even started
going on morning bike rides to-         them?"
gether. The doctor said that the tu-         "Whassa matta? Whayou-
mor had stopped spreading, but the
battle was not over. Not by a long      meen?"
shot. The second round of chemo             You were slurring words, some-
was about to start.
                                        thing was very wrong. I put the car
     I hate surprises in the morning.   into reverse, slammed on the gas
                                        and sped back towards the clinic.
     October 13, 2061: We were at       By now, the tremors in your leg
the clinic. I was in the waiting room   had spread throughout your entire
reading a magazine, but I don't re-     body. Your eyes rolled back into
member waiting for you to finish        your head and you began making
the first chemo treatment. Every-       guttural, strange noises. You had no
thing was routine. We chatted with
the heavy-set nurse while we wait-      idea what was going on.
ed our turn. Another nurse brought           I ran into the clinic, opened the
three clear bags of the drug. You
would fall asleep as the chemo was      door and screamed, "Help!!! Please,
slowly fed into your bloodstream. It    for the love of God, help!!! My wife
took a little under two hours for this  is outside, she's dying!!!"
process. Then, we went home.
                                             From that point on, that day
     As we got into my truck, every-    was a blur. A half dozen or so nurs-
thing seemed normal. As I put my        es sprinted past me to tend to you.
blinker on to pull out of the parking   I remember being led into a car that
lot, your legs began to shake.          took me to a nearby hospital. At
                                        one point I was in an old, yellowish
    "Are you ok hon?" I asked.          waiting room with tattered seats. I
                                        was a zombie, unaware of my sur-
     "Yeah, why do you ask?" By         roundings, or what was going on.
now, your legs were like pistons,
pumping up and down violently.               After what seemed like an eter-
You looked at me, not a sign of         nity, a young doctor called me over
alarm on your face.                     to your room, "Your wife is stable
                                        for now, but in critical condition.
     You couldn't feel your legs        She had an allergic reaction to the
shaking. You couldn't feel your legs    chemo she received, and had a se-
                                        ries of severe seizures."

                                             "But the chemo, it's the same

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