Page 19 - Contrast2006
P. 19

plosion of perpetuating terror. Joe,   nightmare. Drinking at the local
though, seems to have no reaction      bar, a woman in a red dress, the drip,
as he keeps on staring at the game     drip of water, my head spins. Real-
and his breathing has encountered      ity, sunken space, dark holes, more
no alteration.                         spinning. I break out into a cold
                                       sweat while tossing and turning in
     Dad had passed away about ten     bed. I'm screaming, or maybe that's
years ago. They, the doctors you       her ... A drunken fight with Joe...
know, said he was suffering from       "Stop this" Joe says as he holds me
a heart ailment, but they were not
certain if it was the direct cause of  in a headlock.
death. Mother had passed away               "It will never stop."
that year that Ihad turned five. We         "Life goes on," come Joe's wise
do not know how she died because
dad refused to tell us. What Joe and   words.
I do know is that she ... the woman         "What is life, without the girl in
in the red dress showed up shortly
after her passing.                     the red dress?"
. Joe finally turns to me and looks          It was all there and all in place,
Into my eyes. Those eyes of his,
they express everything to the point   just jumbled in my brain because I
where he rarely needs words, but he    wanted it to be confused. Iwanted
chooses to use them anyway. "We
can't prove it."                       it to all go away.
                                            I am standing in the middle of
    "we don't have to." I say, "We
                                       the fourth floor hallway of the Ra-
know it."                              mada Inn. My gaze looks upon an
                                       older woman, with wrinkles and
    Joe nods his head in the way that  sags. She has two beautiful looking
!oe does, all slow and comprehend-     daughters with her who can't be
Ing l1"ke he has some deep under-      more than six years old. She looks
standiIng of how the universe works    tired and worn out, but happy. She
and the nod just expresses how well    lifts her head up slowly and those
he already knew it. Joe then turns     baby blue eyes of hers lock onto
?ack to watch the game as if noth-     mine and I see, no, I feel them reflect
Ing had ever happened and I am left    sorrow, regret, and guilt. She is not
to ponder the situation.               the woman in the red dress. A tear
                                       rolls down the side of her cheek.
    Dreams upset dreams, and my        Thud! My pistol drops to the floor
Whole existence becomes one long       and I fall to my knees. I place my
                                       cupped hands over my eyes and be-

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