Page 18 - Contrast2006
P. 18

the molecules of the atoms in the       father say goodbye to someone who
    water and created a change in the
    very essence of the universe. That      I have never met. My dad is talking
    would catch your eye wouldn't it?
    A change? The woman in the fiery        to them through a slightly cracked
    red dress walks out from behind
    the fountain. She is blonde with        open door. Irun around behind my
    an hourglass figure. Her face and
    body though does not have color,        father to see who it is. No, wait, it
    just shade. Only her sparkling red
    dress and those deep baby blue eyes     couldn't be. That cannot be correct.
    of hers have color. She has that
    suave walk that extremely sexually      My eyes are still meeting her eyes
    enlightened women have, where
    her hips sway from side to side. It is  or maybe they have just met, and ,~
    the walk that empowers women to
    such incredible heights for it drives   hear "I'm sorry" ... Joe. "I'm sorry.
    men crazy and stupid. She lifts her
    head up just enough for her eyes to     What? Wait...
    meet with mine and I am suddenly
    mixed with emotions that make me        "I'm sorry for the wait sir, may
    want to dive into the very depths of
    her soul or jump off a cliff from not   I take your order." The waitress
    being able to. She smiles, or maybe
    she doesn't, or maybe Ijust wanted      says, and I whip my head around
    her to smile, but in either case she
    should have smiled.                     so quickly Ihear it crack.             "

        Splash! Ifeel cool and alive all    "What? Oh ... yeah ... yeah, sure.
    at the same time as my heart acceler-
   ates and my eyes open to my under-       The weight of the memory sits heav-
   water surroundings. Iam five years
   old in the back of my Dad's lake         ily with me and drives me into silent
   house. I loved that lake house and
   I associated that love and that place    thinking for the rest of the day.
   with my father. I am suddenly in-
   side the house though watching my        "Joe," Isay ina questioning way.

14                                          It is the following day, and Joe and

                                            I are sitting in Joe's house watching

                                            football, which is oddly on silent, or

                                            maybe my focus is so withdrawn

                                            I just can't hear it. "Joe ... Do yOU

                                            remember the woman in the red

                                            The silence that follows can be

                                            compared to the frozen depths of

                                            the deepest blackness of space and

                                            as such feels like it will never end.

                                            I sit still on the couch now with

                                            my head down trying not to make
                                            eye contact with Joe, for I have J.Ust

                                            mentioned a subject that has been

                                            repressed for so many years in our

                                            minds that the thought is like an ex-
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