Page 26 - Contrast2004
P. 26

Let's Jam

   Put on some Elvis music.
   Let's dance outside in the dewy grass

             [ is dewy a real world?
   With naked feet sloshing in the wetness.
   Laugh out loud

             [ not "101", but for real this time
  At the neighbor's kids
  Selling lemonade for $ 5 a sip

             [boy, times have changed
  But let's buy some anyway,
  Just for the hell of it.
  Put on some old clothes.
  Let's play.
  Let's run outside in the dewy grass

           [is it still dewy out at noon?
  With wetness creeping up to our knees,
  Tossing a football between us

            [the Nerf kind, that flies high
              even if you can't throw.
  Smile out loud
            [can a smile ever be heard?
  As we tumble down a hill,
  The sun kissing the backs of our necks,
  To leave a light pink memory the next day.

  Let's jam.
             [do you even remember how?

 -Emily Vance

24 Contrast 2004
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