Page 24 - Contrast2004
P. 24

"Belize," by Sean Mi"er

       Ice Cream machines never stop humming          But the summer will never fade
       seagulls cease scavenging
       and the Ferris wheel makes its final rotation  Whenever a sultry wind brushes my cheek
       But none of this bothers me
       Your butterscotch eyes                         I will be with you again, Sand scraping
       your sandy blonde hair
       and the way your nose crinkles up like         our legs, Blanket pulled over our noses

          a taffy wrapper                             The sky a million fireflies ignited      .d
       when you laugh, that slices
       me open like a watermelon chopped in two       Your last lingering embrace forever o~ my mm
       Summer blurs: beach blankets, sweet
                                                      and the way you said goodbye, not with words
         whispers, and sun burnt kisses.
                                                      but with your eyes
       But now six states later
       us and the air grows cold                      -Whitney Waters
       I am left with only letters to fuel me

22 Contrast 2004
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