Page 43 - Contrast2003
P. 43



~ to ~ o!e .rou£a ~

~w'~~day-4~     ~                     "DoLL's btJes
~rnJi aM ~ ~
                                             by sarah CoLgau
                                              Cr{;lfted L{;lshes of {;lth~Ld whore.
8tea ~ aM wiuk ~                            Crusted to thejust-opeV\., of d{;lwV\.,
                          SU/lV\./IV\.er SRij ~r~s over {;l/lV\.ouseij browV\., souL.
~ tfuut awJf
                                                          StuLpted ~vorij theeRs
4ffi~ a &vuk fuvc,t                           COV\.,te{;lLthe tLe{;lr pLClsHt heClrt.

~i-n= trw ~ ~ atJ W                                                    1Sr~ttLe hCl~r,
                                                                   wet w~th teCl rs.
0'L~~cfwtw                                                   tr~ed-ov\" hCl~rsprClij
3~~-IMne                                          to{;lt Clv\"d retoClt WClX hClv\"ds
                                              weClr ClWClij LClijers w~th LoHov\"
                                                     br~v\"R~v\"g sweet dewf--
484 ~ _pain aM            ~V\.,tev\"s~tij w~thered to doLL WClr/lV\.th w~th~v\"--

17~4~                 .                     bClreLij eV\.,ough to sustCl~v\" L~fe.
~Uftotrw~4a~                                            1Sut ijou Clre V\.,ot L~fe.

~~                                             StClgV\.,ClV\.,t, ShClLLow wClters.
                         seveV\., ~V\.,thes of /lV\.oLd ov\., {;ls~x ~V\.,th teCltup.
~i4~fUUIW     tfwX ~
                                            1Sr~/IV\./IV\.~v\"wg~th /lV\.ed~otr~tij.
gfw_ ~ ~
~fw_ ~ c£aMn




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