Page 47 - Contrast2003
P. 47

RitA v w~V\_,dow                                                iiI~ tC1vU:C1LLz~~LtJ D!1A~erol..{S for two tell\,-
    bySt1mh Cdgan
                                                                         oll\,e of the worRVlA.ell\, LooReD! D!OWIl\,
          It VlA.l..{StltlC1ve beell\, C1t LeC1st foyttj-f~ve   IAt «s 1A1I\,D! shouteD! LII\, whlAt I thought
 tJeC1rs C1go thC1t I SC1t LII\, C1we of the bLg                 (GlII\,c{ wouLC{ go 011\,tVtLII\,R,LII\,g fo,( tell\, VlA.ore
 sc"reell\, C1t VlA.t] vert] f~rst VlA.oVLe. Mt] best           tJeC1rs) was C1 b~g c,Lt!j 1Ac,c,ell\,t 'yO 011\,
fnell\,D! ALex. SVlA.tJthe ltlC1D!toLD! VlA.e C1bout            hOVlA.e, RLD!s. TWO weeRs to o-peIl\,LlI\,g." For
tltle VlA.ovLe thwter ope II\,LII\,g . He sC1LD! hLs            tltle lI\,ex.t two c{GltjS, I LVlA.LtGlteD! hLs New
 oLD!er sLster hC1D! beell\, to Lots of VlA.ov~e               Jerse!j (ifc,c,ell\,t just to feel LVIA.-port(ifll\,t. I
thwters, C1II\,D! C1c,c,orD!LII\,g to her there WC1S            1I\,0D!D!eD!, D!uVlA.bstrUc,R 1A1I\,D!SIl\,UC,R IA LOOR
C1~WC1tJs free w II\,Dt!J C1II\,D! -po-pc,oylI\, for the        C1t the bC1l1\,lI\,erthe!j'D! hUII\,g wrL~er lI\,ex.t to
 R,~D!s. It WC1Sthe fLrst b~g c,LttJ C1ttrC1c,HolI\,            the D!oors 1A1I\,DI!A hIALf-bu~Lt Hc,Ret R~OSR. It
to c,oVlA.e to the LLttLe tOWIl\, of cLeC1rLe, C1II\,D!         reC1D!: 'Tell\, c,ell\,ts, wC1tc,h C1LL D!IAtJ· Po-pc,orll\,
ewll\, Lf tltle -pC1rell\,ts were worr~eD! C1bout Lt            C111\,DC! IAII\,D!tJI" I glA-peD! 1A1I\,D!I'VIA. sure ALex.
C,hC1l1\,gLII\,gtheLy WC1tJ of L~fe, the RLD!s were             D!~D! too. Tell\, c,ell\,ts WC1S VlA.ore thC1II\, IA
reC1D!tJ to C1C,c,e-pLt t whoLe-heC1yteD!LtJ. CLeC1rLe          VlA.olI\,th's C1LLowlA 1I\,c,e. I hC1D! lI\,ever slAveD! fLve
wouLD! hC1ve -pLell\,ttJ of fLrsts but thLs WiilS               c,ell\,ts, Let C1LolI\,e te II\,I If oll\,LtJ I hlAD!II\,'t
the bLg oll\,e.                                                 bought thC1t CIA-ptlilLII\, DIAII\,D!tJ Dec,oD!er
                                                                R.LII\,g btJ VlA.iilLL, I'D! hlAve four c,ell\,ts. AII\,D!
   , 011\, VlA.tJ wiilLR hOVlA.e froVIA. sc,hooL                VlA.IA!jbe Lf I hlAD!II\,'t bought C,1A1I\,D!!jsHc,Rs IAt
w~th ALex., we -pC1sseD! the theiilter-froll\,t,
                                                               the 9 roc,er's Liilst weeR, I'D! hiilve sLx.. -gut
c,oll\,wrteD! froVIA. the oLD! 9 roc,er's store. TWO
                                                                lI\,ever, ever, c,ouLD! I thLII\,R of (if W(if tJ to slAve
WorR,VlA.ell\, were -perc,ltleD! 011\,LiilD!D!ers strug-        tell\, whoLe c,ell\,ts. ALex. D!~D!II\,'t LOOR lAS D!~s-
gLLII\,g to set the VlA.iilrquee ~II\, -pLC1c,e. I'D!           1A-p-poLlI\,teD! C1SI WC1S; h~s -P(ifrell\,ts gC1ve hLVIA.
s-pell\,t C1gooD! bLt of VlA.tJtell\, tJeiilrs ~II\, thC1t      -1 c,ell\,ts (if weeR ~lI\,stelilD! of VlA.tJ VlA.e(ifsLetJ 3
                                                                c,ell\,ts. Three c,ell\,ts WC1Soll\,LtJ ~f I'D! behiilveD!
oLD! 9 roc,er' s stoye thiilt the tJ' D! VlA.oVeD! LII\,to      C1LLweeR, whether he'D! beell\, gooD! or blAD!,
                                                                IAII\,D! VlA.tJ-pC1rell\,ts helA rD! thlilt C1t Leiilst Oll\,c,e
IA lI\,ew buLLD!LII\,g just elArLLer th~s tJeC1r. I             lil weeR froVIA. VlA.e. ThetJ'D! res-P0II\,D! the SC1V1A.e
-problA bLtJ c,ouLD! ltllAve reVlA.eVlA.bereD! just            W(iftJ, 'we're 1I\,0t the SVIA.!jth's" (if1l\,D! thlilt
whlAt WIAS 011\, wc,h of the four iilLsLes of                  WIAS thlAt. I h(ifteD! thlAt res-P0II\,se; oll\,L!j (iffter
sheLves but the c,hlAlI\,ges the thelAter -peo-pLe              I'D! hiilD! VlA.tJ OWIl\, c,hLLD!rell\, D!LD! I reC1LLze
hlAD! VlA.IAD!e were IAVlA.lAz~lI\,g. ThetJ'D! tiilRell\,      whiilt Lt VlA.elilll\,t: Thiilt's the W(if!j thLII\,gs (ifre
~ut ~he sq uw RtJ sc,reell\, D!oor IAII\,D! re-pLIAc,eD!        1A1I\,D! the!j're 1I\,0t goLII\,g to c,hlAlI\,ge, 11\,0
~t w~tltl IA huge sLLver D!oubLe D!oor. It LooReD!              VIA.(ift-ter whC1t !jou Siil!j. M!j he(ifrt st(ifrteD!
LLR,e steeL IAII\,D! LooVlA.eD! over the ell\,tLre             -P0uII\,D!LII\,g. ThLs WlilS Lt, I thoug ht, VlA.tJ
street. ThetJ were -pro-p-peD! o-pell\, whell\, we             c,heC1-P-P(ifrell\,ts werell\,'t just goLII\,g to eVlA.-
-pC1sseD! Lt, but we c,ouLD!II\,'t see ~lI\,to the              biil r(ifSS VlA.eb tJ be~lI\,g c,he(if-P, II\,OWthetJ were
-pLIAc,e, lAS Lt WC1Sell\,t~reLtJ D!C1rR LII\,s~D!e. The       9 o~lI\,g to se-piil rlAte VlA.efroVIA. VlA.tJfr~ell\,D!s. I
shC1D!ows stC1rteD! C1t the threshoLD! CMD!
LooR,eD! both frLg ltltell\,LII\,g LtJ VlA.tJsteMI..{S

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