Page 39 - Contrast2003
P. 39

~                                       Genuflect

     ~~'Wat4oIe                     bJ7 Eric W/;ite/;air

'PWted ~ tIee ~ todatf                   It's a strange wa~ of pra~ing

        ~~~~                                                   falling flat
~~                                                     anD sbattereD open

      ~ «kze '} kMe ~                 tears bleeDing out of open wounDS

?14ftMt~me                       as a stumble catcbes ~ou betore ~ou fall
                                        like a strange wa~ of breatbing
~ It tak it «o fMIZe
     So. '} dedded u 4Uft oat                               slammeD sbut
                                                       speaking in exbale
~ewuJ44Ut~                       before tbe Da~ligbt catcbes ~ou in falling

     e¢ u tIee ftidett ~                   like a new wa~ of speaking

ftee'zed ~ to exfted ~,                         wbere worDS come falling
     k U ##f 0«.tIe ~                           in tbougbt caugbt gravit~

~~~~.                                in a pool of unspoken commitment
                                         it's a strange wa~ of pra~ing
     Aft tIee 4affle.
          tIee~                           tbat won't let me off m~ knees.


                                 CONTRAST 2003 - PRIVATE
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