Page 34 - Contrast2003
P. 34


Life is insane

Work is insane

The insane

.Andtliere's no escapinp it

'Tragedies and death

.And tears and sorrOlVs

.AlIoJwhich we have to                          "Neighboring Fears," photo by JayT. Levy
No turning back

.And no hiding from it                  L"OM' Soedi,'  IletAy dIHHII' peatlls,
It wiJ[find us
                                        noolla'O SaVillo I-,slld to tlells IH HeY/ilteAIIH a'il
In many compansons                      lJy 'I         dlSpeaYlld IH peastle Allaps.
.Andtextures andforms
It us crazy

There's nothing we can use                             TAllY patlllHtey 'list, awaltlH6
.As our ammunition                                                 tAIII, IHtItIltaOell OatA.

Except our sanity, andbeing calm.                                     By HI6At 0-" eoo/iIl'Y Is SIeIlHt,
'But that is not a£ways avaif£zfj[£                            Oy dayel6At tAli 6'-.H611 ,oa,s aeivil.
.Avaif£zfji£ityis being there
'Beingyresent                                                              eaH 0PIIHII'S -'HellasA tAIII,
In the mind as well.                                                             seop wltA IHd16HatloH,
7fie atmosyliere
(jetting crowded andstuffy                                   sp-.ttll,IH6 o-.ooells 01 tOHeato sa-.ell.
                                                A SIH6ell, -'HtalHtlld oowe 6-.llaws at tali 'list,

                                                                    O-.t tAllY sA'-'6 011 Ais a-.daelty.
                                                            3 tA, HeYsellilvils past HeYlIeOOWS,

you're trying to shake reality from your head          Ilxlld OH p,ovldlH6 a eOHepaHloH 10'

'But {ittfe good is hefjJing                           tAli eOHIl soedill'.

Is still' there                                                 Ase1lHd1H6, p-.t,id Oleeows
StiJ[exists                                                         IIHeOHepass HeYHostrles·

Not.just in the eye oj the befiofife:r          tAli S/i-'H'iS dlseAa'6'H6 tAIII, a,tleell'Y.
'But out there                                              TAllY do Hot waHt AIHeto WIH.

Somewhere                                                 RalslH·IIH6l1rlld aHd speoteAlld,
                                                3 'VIIdlsa'Helld tAli t,oops aHd 3 SHeI,/i.

                                                       TAli a'HeY Is stae/illd

                                                                                IH 'ows at attllHtloH'
                                                . tAli -'HseatAlld oowe p,oHeotlld to 6I1HII,ae.

                              CONTRAST 2003 - PRIVATE
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