Page 29 - Contrast2003
P. 29
feMhers 1Vfffte
'J!ft«.kJ fierce the t\,ir one more ft\,rrit~ tkrust:
tke. q!:'un tt\,kts t\, Sh-ut
the 2'un uf 2'tUk strikin~ true,
ntMt"! fitrcts h-is ~t\,U
J'rtJ'Min~ fur Pt\,ttte r-:tke. q!:'un strikes first,
cunfi~ent uf h_er ur~trs ike ,,!ul1n~ ~l1ck ftVfCks Vff
»rJ'tl1ckJ hersetf f'YI,l1sttrin~ t\,fint\,t fVfSh-
h-is ~t\,Uft\,[ttrs once,
t\,~ul1n~ Piu Pl1t h_ewi Us h-is ']:,iUon.
Sl1rt uf h-is wiU t\,n~ Piu ttt\,rs ftt\,th_er jrUf'Ylw, m~ in fur tke »ui
Ch-Mten~es her ~uwn~ tkrone. Pl1t ike. q!:'tUk fi~h-ts un slt\,,,!in~ th_e q!:'t\,ck~ q!:'un
M t\,U ~UVfn~fll1cks eventl1t\,U"! f'YI,VfSt
ftt\,ffin~ un, Vfn~t\,l1nte~ with- t\,jtl1rr,,! ufftMh_ers
P~ initit\,t losses ke. PMh_eSh_erht\,k
t\,mi~ ct\,Us uf mVftin,,!cries fur
the 2'un's st\,fet~ ttMJin~ ike q!:'t\,ck q!:'un
her ~visurs, t\,pnurf'Yl,t\,U"t!uw in ike wt\,ttr
Ch-Mterin~, Sct\,tter
"Solitude," photograph by Nadja Werner