Page 28 - Contrast2003
P. 28
~t' s 90 ",a\~ on a Or SU ",ho do the bi9~t c.annonba\\.
Fed the sand ",ann and soft ben..un our toes
And the ma9nttic. fora from Let's 90 to vic.ious house parties
1l1e. moon brin9 our \ips to~ther ~~ to the r~, ambient,
1l1e. passion and fora \i~ the sea,
Ca\m \~ m~ nature ",hen I'm in ~our arms, mc.tronic.a internationa\ rll-jthms
Chd\in' ",here ev~od-{ ~no\olS~our name.
~t's 90 to a r~ concert t.v~od-{ 90t their vibes
Dana dOst\~ ~mebod-{ tearin' up the du~
Ibaa a",~ for a sec to \oo~ at ~ou move to the 9roove. ~ttin' the ",ho\t domain on fire
Under the tropic.a\ \i9hts t.v~Ont \oo\(in' so fresh and so dean dean
Your 9\istenin9 s\(in from movin' ~a ",aist And afttr\olards
and me movin' me tin9
And ~ou smde 'cause I'm ~our c.oc.onutc.hdt. ~t' s 90 to the T~st and sit on the p\us~ c.ouc.htS
aose ~our e~es as that invi9oratin9
Let's 90 ta~ a ride throu9h the s\uP\ess struts Moc.ha s\ithtrs in ~our veins
Disc.ovtrin9 nt'" routes and dirutions La-{ ~our head baa on ~ c.htSt
to romantic. affutions. Whdt Ic.aress ~our sc.a\p
Ma\(in9 the "'indo",s f099'f Causin a c.hain reaction to ",here
from the pupP'f\ove smooc.hin'. The b\ood fto", disseminates itst\{ e\se",here -
~ou ~no", ",hat Imean ...
~t' s 90 and ",atc.h the stars lu.,t in a dream, ~ hands fed \il(e dat.
and nite s~~ from the roof. ~ \oIt 90tta p~ the c.~ and 90 some",htre e\se
~t our minds ~t \ost in hi9h mvation
e>reathe in the nite air. ~, ~eah, the u\timate destination remains
~ the airp\ants ft~in9 in \~ shootin9 stars. f,odiu. eot\olintd
1l1e. spa~s of fire \~ the je\olt\s in ~ ~es
~t's 90 s"'immin9 and dun~ tac.h other in the ",ater Loo~ into them and ~ou su it
Do handstands and the dead man's ftoat bumin9 in the third ~ru.
Caress, "'ine, and dint me.
I \oIantto ta~ ~ou to ~ ",orid
Tappin' ",ithin - un90d"t ~t spiritua\\~.
~t's 90 out sometime.
I'mjust ",aitin9 for ~ou to tt\\ me ",hen.
And 11\be. read-{ to 90.