Page 15 - Contrast1997
P. 15

I had misinterpreted Ariel in the worst way       ized that I was flying... On my back beneath
possible - the cruelty was not his but my           the sky again, only free.
own! He had felt compassion and - purple
_ for that mor g and I had refused to                  "I himself compassion,"
                                                                          the music of children in his
                                                                                  eyes were bright with

                      t it was a thought-birth      ; my eyes were bright like

                   out reflexively - the music      human than any of them,"
                           Colors spilled around

                   orange and yellow and green
                         and every magic shade

in between. The       danced like memo-

ries or forgotten     around my mind. I

think Ilost control;  and my bonds dis-

 For a fraction of an instant, Iwas suspended

like a miracle between the sky and the sea -
 Then Isplashed lau ingb' into the beyond-

sea, It was diffete ~lfiUing in a way                                               d
                                                                  to the point of
       had never known; I no longer longed                       d the elements
                                                    we had been transfigured
                        , only faintly as I remem-
                             . But the new-

 that made                                                                       we soared to the place
 beginning-place.                                   between the stars where the song of home-
~ Ariel was with
 had freed me                                       sickness sang ...
                                                     Ariel held my mind and brilliance came easy

                                                    _ we mounted over the wor1d like the wind:

                                                    and everything was rainbow, rainbow, rain-

\ bow!
                                                                              And Ariel sang me my name.
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