Page 12 - Contrast1997
P. 12

"Leave?" The word caught, dark earth         bly turned from me. I thought perhaps he had
brown, in my throat. "This is my place _         gone mad.
the only place that I know. I understand the
Island; it understands me."                          When his name stuck in my throat, he
                                                 laughed harshly. "Not so nimble with thy
  Theseus' voice was dark with anger. "Don't     words, Ophelia?" I shook my head miserably.
contradict me, Hermia. You must leave; you       "Youhave not allowed me the practice, m'lord.
are a hazard to all the people that live here."  1-"

  "Why?" I felt the                                                                  But he cut me off
wind blowing up                                                                  again. "Nay, no more
from the sea; it was                                                             words, Ophelia, not
a sad salty tang on                                                              for me. Save your
my face, like the                                                                breath for the ocean."
tears I had not yet
shed.                                                                              Bitterness swelled in
                                                                                 my heart like poison.
   "Because no one                                                               "Lear followed me;
knows w ha t you                                                                 Lear was my friend.
are talking about!"                                                              Isn't that--"
The voice was
Orlando's. "You                                                                      "Lear was a senile
have become ri-                                                                  old man, Portia, you
diculous, Rosalind,                                                              know that!" Shylock
completely ridicu-                                                               was presiding over
lous."                                                                           my triaL. I lost the
                                                                                 strength to say any
    It always hurt,                                                              more, only nodding
just a little, when                                                              dumbly as they piled
Orlando called my                                                                up the charges against
name... Something                                                                me. I felt as if my
about the name                                                                   body were drifting
Rosalind - the un-                                                               in another existence;
certainty inherent                                                               I felt as if the whole
in the name twisted                                                              world was no longer
inside of me, an un-                                                             real. My heart
named unname-                                                                    within my chest was
able ache. It re-                                                                heavy. All I knew
minded' me of                                                                    was that I did not
some of Ariel's                                                                  want to leave my is-

more frightening Outer Banks                             Ben Johnson land ...

thoughts ...                                                                       And that Ariel was
                                                 not there. We had argued ... I smiled a little
  "Get thee to a nunnery!" The very sharp-       when I realized that the weight on my heart
ness of Hamlet's words shocked me out of         was my accusation of ArieL. how little he de-
my sadness. "But Ham-" I began. He had           served it. I was the one who deserved it. The
been a friend to me, towards the beginning.      irony of everything made me want to go up
He had always been a friendly fellow, even       in flames and phoenix my way through eter-
if somewhat studious. I loved to sit with him    nity. I wanted to sing to Ariel, to tell him he
by the ocean sometimes, and play word-           was right after all. But Ariel was not there,
games. But he was not playing with words         and I was not allowed the chance to leave the
any more; like the others, he had inexplica-

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