Page 37 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 37

and pos sessm. g opposable thumbs, much like ourselves. The sym-
 mtheotry is ve ry si.m ilar, as well as a mineral based bone structure, all

   mgs in common with ourselves." The doctor refrained for a

 ~oment, scanning the notes again before continuing. He casually
 g a~ced at his audience, especially the General, who remained
 motIonless. He took a quick breath and resumed
  . "Th e dI.fferences start almost imm"ediately, most notably with the
SIze,~lmost twice our size. This is a fact we were able to garner from
r;evlOUS specimens, as well as the fact that size is a variable in their

   nd, The body is covered with coarse hair, which crowns along the

~~' legs and top of the head. Skin tone and hair color seems to be
thISt~cti~e, and a way that they identify themselves. Apparently,

   at ISa Job best left to the Sociologist. The reproductive system is
somewhat similar to ours, but they seem to be able to bear young in
great numbers in relatively short periods of time. Glands are of

~~~rse d~fferent and serve different functions, ~omething that. we
Th consIdered, but were finally able to prove WIth the last subject.
bl e glands have a different function and placement, as does the

   ood pathway and nervous system." The doctor removed the
Scalpel, tracing a small line of blood from the forearm down. The

st p:clm. en winced, but did nothing. He sat the scalpel down on the

da Ie, and motioned to the nurse to clean the specimen's wound. The
  octor cleaned his hands as if he was scrubbing dirt from his hands,

~ery quickly and methodically, before turning back to his "col-

:agues." The doctor stopped for a moment to get a general feel from
  ISaUdience. There were looks of amazement, horror, shock, and of

tchourse ,m. d'1f ference. Government officials, you cou ld n't I.mpress
  em no matter what you did. The General, however, watched every

~ovement like a hawk as if he was absorbing every bit of informa-
hoann d'storing it. This unnerved the Doctor, actually rnakmi g hi'm
Ioo.k away. He cleared his throat and contm. ue d, pro duuccimg a

"wP.OI.ntheerrtehiswteiirmme ew. e? Ah yes, the cranial cavity is ~li?htly sloped,

rVl~g the impression of limited intelligence and limited compre-
 ension ability due to lack of brain space. Any number of our

mOdern devices could easily be portrayed as "magic" if the circum-

~t~nces Were right, which could be used due to the fact that they
   ssess greater strength than us almost three times our own. We

mu"s t keep this one sedated and r'e.'strained for this demonstratIOn. "
DoAre they dangerous?" said a government official in the front. The

   ctor turned to face the young man, who evidently was new there.

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