Page 17 - Contrast1991Spring
P. 17

Bass Unity
                                                                  Dedicated to Maura

                                                            A sparrow flies across a field,
                                                                  And I begin to think

                                                Of the complexity behind something so simple.
                                                          He turns and lands, never once

                                                      Doubting the truth of his movements.
                                                                 Later, as the sun sets,

                                                         Creating a conflagration of colors
                                                                    In the dusky sky,

                                                         I contemplate the reality of magic
                                                      That exists in things taken for granted.

                                                           Can man, crude creature he is,
                                                            Truly understand the beauty
                                                     In a snowflake, a single blade of grass?
                                                          Trying to define and categorize

                                                              Only results in separation.
                                                         To stop thinking and start feeling

                                                                The world around us;
                                                            Can we really deny the web
                                                          That interconnects everything?
                                                          Giving each bit of insignificance
                                                             An almost devine purpose.
                                                     Striving to quantify, pursuing the ether
                                                          Losing the mastery of love and

                                                              The depth of happiness.
l' Revel in the joy of a laugh, a glance,

f Never forgetting to live for the moment

                                                   That dies as soon as its birth is complete.

                                                                                                            -Adam Koch

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