Page 15 - Contrast1991Spring
P. 15

Looking Back

As the marsh sucked the sun into its
    clusters of cattails and swampy grass

I looked out over Hunting Creek...

The muskrat mounds stood out clear as day,
    Just as they did every winter.

And the old hoot owl sounded from somewhere on the bank,
    Just as he did every evening.

The clock on the mantle rang out,
    Same as every night-announcing 5:30.

From behind the couch in the living room
    Chirped the cricket who I'd guessed
    Been living there since I was a child.

And as the chimes on the porch tinkered in a bitter gust of wind,

    I thought how she had said,
    "Aunt Peggy is saying hello, Little Boo."

Yeah, things at grandma's are the same,
    Except for
    thing ...
    I miss Grandma.

                                               -Beth Clark

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