Page 34 - Contrast1991Fall
P. 34

We are all made of flesh and blood.
       We all breathe the same air.

    We all have a mind to think with,
   and we all have some special flare.

        Yet people are a silly breed,
         that judge their own kind,
    by creed, race, and social status,
the things of which we should be blind.

            A person is a person,
      and each person has a heart.
   If we wish to stand in judgement,
     it is here that we should start.

        Looks don't really matter,
        for in time they only fade.
  It's what's inside that really counts,
    your soul that makes the grade.

So next time you go to judge someone,
     for only the color of their skin,

  remember how very wrong that is,
     and try to judge what's withinl

                                                     -Carrie Arbaugh

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