Page 31 - Contrast1991Fall
P. 31

an ethtplan mother starves
             while fat soldiers

        lock food in warehouses.
                    let it rot

       like her child's puff bellied
      corpse in the parched grass

          a black man homeless
            lives in his own shit

     on a frozen new york sidewalk
             while millionaires

     build walls around mansions
and pass him by in warm limousines

        so you elect dancing fools
           to the paper shuffle.
                   fight fire

      throw gasoline into the wind

     you sit here by my calm pond
         furiously trying to scoop

      moonlight's diamond illusion
                  for yourself

                stop grabbing
                  i share all.

   lay now in my rolling green arms
  and know my touch upon my back

    feel my breath upon your face -

     soon i will swallow you whole-

                                                     -Pat Blackman

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