Page 5 - Contrast1987v29
P. 5

Refuge From the Winter Solstice

  How delicate a sanctuary
  From caustic breezes and frozen footsteps:
  Four mute stained windows
  Enveloping wooden arcs to a highness.
  Comfort, leaning to the back of an aged pew.
 I pause, stretching to escape
 The profane cold of daily December.
 Listening to the church peals
 That would ripely echo,
 I turn to the quiet aisle
 Invisible air-seal unbroken.
 Without this placid shell, the walk
Remains iced-damp,
Merely a palette of burned wet oak debris
And beyond the shadows, a limitless waning horizon.
Let the winter's misery be banished, sanctuary,
Bring my fears to a sated rest.
May I, the beholder, evoke the graces of spring.
I pray for sun-streaked warmth
Inside a cathedral of hope.

                                                          Carol Gauntlett '89

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