Page 4 - Contrast1987v29
P. 4


On a Monday morning of a very typical kind,
My 7 a.m. alarm didn't ring

So I had already fallen behind.

I tried to rush to the shower, but my quilts did cling

Around my legs and I plopped to the floor __
My nose sniffing fibers from the rug.

I untangled myself and finally stumbled out the door
Into the shower, only to plug

Up the drain with my soap that squirmed from my hand.
Shampoo invaded my eyes and conditioner my ears,
So that when I was warned before hand

Of no toilet paper -- of Course I did not hear!

In my class, wearing one blue and one green sock, I remembered

I had forgotten my key.                                 ?

I wondered, can a 110 pound box be sent to Australia C.O.D ..

                                                        Susan Bruder

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