Page 6 - Contrast1981Springv24
P. 6


                              Dim, the midnight lane,
                              Now sprinkled with diamonds like some African beach,
                              Now shadowed by vague insiduous mists.
                              Old poets say she'll come to you on nights like this,
                              A creature of foam and wet quartz;
                              Say she condenses under soughing willows,
                              Shaped by darkness and silvered marsh water,
                              Her face an emerald hung in a smoky lantern,
                              Candled by a phosphorous glow.
                              You feel the brush of swampreeds
                              When she brushes your living skin,
                              Hear the owl when she breathes your name.
                              You clutch that tangible shadow,
                              Find yourself tugging at tufts of grass,
                              On your knees in treacherous peat,
                              Gasping in water-heavy air, thick with sage.
                              You'll come again
                              To feel your heart trill with the cicadas,
                              To catch her scent, a tendril of mint,
                              To yield to her your heart, your pen.

                                                                                          Ramona Ponce


                                   hermosa, sensual, a la moda
                          inteligente, aguda, perspicaz, indomitable
                 mujer con coraje extra, cabeza orgullosa, y vida larga

               iDios sabe que podemos hacer cualquier cosa!

                                      Beautiful, sensual, stylish
                             Intelligent, witty, shrewd, indomitable
                 Woman with extra courage, proud head, and long life

                                God knows we can do anything!
                                              Black woman

                                                Krystie L. Adams

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