Page 27 - Contrast1978Mayv21n3
P. 27
the tiny red ant climbs
on the. lips of your vagina
and DiCM, John, the turtJ.e has been killed
by my nesi tating footstep
POllen from the exhausted truck-ruined turtle
is passed
wi til my urine
I make my .:rounds the spl.inters?
and return to ho~low beings
blood drips from my fingers
is i:t from the cat scratchesa%'
the cat :mounts a tree
i paw .at the asheS left standing
at his garnished cl.a.WS
and smear t:b.em an my thr~bodY
greyinq the ~cret £olds o£ ~
and the onl.y hope left
is in hisburntofferi ngs"