Page 19 - Contrast1977Mayv20n3
P. 19

All the old :fraternal orders are back. The Rotaria'1s, the
   Old Fellows, the Rosicruscians I the Masons. And for those
   who can't make the meetings--they're televised! On saturday
   night yet! Need I mention the religious crusades that have
   blossomed under his tutelege? Bah! Shit! Fuck!

          Jimmyis turning purple. Supermanbetter get here Soon
   or hets going to croak. watt a minute ••• What's that sound?
   Is it a bird? Or a plane? It's him! Comingcloser. Duck
   down. Crash! All right you goddambastard! Take that! And
   that! Lots of twisting and staggering. Lots of convulsions
   and stiff-legged kicking. Nowstill. Nowthrashing like a
  bull. The first time anyone's seen Supermancry. But he's
   crying ground beef and egg yolks. What's that he's whisper-
  ing? Superman'5 last words are--get this!--Lois! Lois!
  Still year~ing for a broad who cares nothing for him.
  Jimmy's gone hysterical. I took his crutches away but that
  doesn't stop him. He writhes over to Supermanon his back.
  He's nestled up against him like a pup to its mother.
  Supermanrattles a couple times. Then, with a last surge
  of blind power, he g.rips Jimmy's legs and rips them off.


                                                                          Andrij Maday
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