Page 17 - Contrast1977Mayv20n3
P. 17

degenerate. I "mactually getting some kind of pleasure out
 of tightening this wire around his flabby neck. James
 James. A millionaire from selling SupermanDigest. What a
 gyp .• Let me show you how to be a Superman! Just send $4.50
 for a years subscription to SupermanDigest. Moneyback
 guarantee! ~ips 'n hints! Well I tried it Jimmyand it
 didn't work! Hear that? You'd better roll your eyes you

          AnywaySupermanought to crash through that wall soon,
 and then I'll plug him, In the eyes. That' s one place they
 never aim at. The old eyes. The most sensitive place. Two
 qui vering eggwhites ready to be busted. Leave it to me to
 figure· that out. I won a acf.ence prize a couple y~ars back
 when I discovered the real way Supermanflies. In the old
 days they thought he just jumped. I knew that was naive.
 But then mankind was still a child back then, so to speak.
And I was. I was only nine when I presented my paper to the
physics symposium. You see Supermancan generate terrific
heat in his body. At the same time as the heat builds up
he sexually stimulates himself, and whammo!the orgones
fling him across the galaxy. But this all happens because
of the magnets that are sewn into his suit. These little
magnets create a field that channels the violence of the
orgones in a backward direction. Supermanflies in a kind
of long drawn out orgasm. No wonder he smiles all the time.
To think of it, maybe that's why he left Lois alone all
these years. My paper embarrassed Superman. I got kicked
out of my progressive school even though I won the forty
thousand dollar prize. I think Supermanhad something to do
with it. Since then he tries to walk a lot. Change his
image from cosmic onanist to gentleman.

        Perry White's dead. Died of cancer of the esophagus.
All those cigars did him in. The Daily Planet's kaput.
Ji!lDllYbought it out and uses the old D.P. building as a
rest home. That's where I'm at right now. On the fourteenth
floor. In a corner beside the men's room. Yep, I pulled the
old fart off the can. Then I twisted this wire around his
neck and told him to shut up.

         You may ask why I'm not using the famous kryptonite as
my weapon. The last remaining particles of it were buried
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