Page 18 - Contrast1977Mayv20n3
P. 18

'11is year in the Tomb of the UnknownSoldier. That way
anyone who tries to get it pezf'ozms a national sacrilege.
I got to admit i t-- Supermanis crafty. I guess he is a
National Institution. Sort of the big brother policy
personified and given every absurd reason to act that
liberty equality and fraternity dictates. That's whyhis
homebase is the U.S.A. He's adopted our dress, our
manner of speech. I even heard that he owns the control-
ling stock in Macdonald's Hamburgers.

         I'm ready for him.I'mapretty good shot (shades of
Lee Harvey Oswald!) Only this time the assassin is not
being paid by anyone. I'm paying me. The end of an era.

         All I want to see is old people in their place. How
old is Superman?I know he's older than eighty. Those
early photographs in the Daily Planet show him to be a
man in his prime. And that was back then. He doesn't let
anyone get up close enough to photograph him now. Once
I speculated that Superma."s'1'good looks were an illusion.
Youknow, Burneand all that stuff. That maybe Supermanis
really a little pile of green shit that escaped from a
cosmic freak. show. Whenhe came to earth he just started
exercising the powers of illusion native to his kind.
He didn't really divert the course of mighty rivers. He
didn •t kill the head of the Mafia. He didn t t come up with
those brilliant equations to belp professor Poop Doop

~;create synthetic love. He only made us think that he did.

He told the Mafia leader that he was dead, arid the dumb 1
wop believed him. He told the reds and the pinkoes that
they were destroyed because of his super power and they
looked at each other and by god they were destroyed! T'nis
Ls scary. Maybewe've all been fooled. MaybeI should aim
a little lower.••.

         No. That's all science fiction. JimmyOlson and this
gun are real. What a chuckle. A twenty-two, something I
used to kill rats with when I was a kid, is going to do
what no atomic bombcould--waste the Man of Steel. This
gun is going to liberate humanity again. Art is going to
break away from portraying old men Walking dogs in a
hundred different surroundings. Literature is going to
stop recording the sentimental gruel of cripples. Superman

put a freeze on .us, Be turned life into a cubscout picnic.
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