Page 42 - Contrast1975
P. 42


                     dent intimacy with the world? Is this not my own accomplishment?
                     Answer me!
              REASON: I think you were lucky.
              SELF: Lucky! Does reason believe in luck? Do you say to me that the
                     discovery and cultivation of the sole item in the universe that can lead
                     to total and unaided fulfillment, even to immortality, is luck?
              REASON: (QUIETLY) I say that you have surpassed me. I can not jus-
                     tify, to you or myself your desire to stand free and be ultimate. I was
                     ultimate for you; I was the basis of your existence. Now your exist-
                     ence requires no basis outside itself. I am deposed. I am cast off.
              SELF: You are not cast off. You are merely de-apotheosized.
              REASON: Not cast off?
              SELF: No. I'd like to keep you around, but in a different relationship.
              REASON: What for?
              SELF: (HESITANT) Well, in a certain sense, you were right about the luck.
              REASON: I was? How does that follow?
              SELF: Consider: What factors opened the way for my enlightenment?
              REASON: Well, 1-
              SELF: I can answer that. Parents who were intelligent and aware; an
                     atmosphere of self-consciousness; a somewhat sheltered childhood, with
                     reasons for it laid open to my consideration; an above-average early
                     education, with encouragement to learn fast; peers who would bandy
                     ideas with me; a college whose curriculum and personnel nourished my
                     most creative inclinations. I can't help thinking that the alignment of
                     my wants and needs with my opportunities has been more propitious
                     than the average.
              REASON: Perhaps your achievement is evidence of your good usage of
                     that advantage.
              SELF: I'd like to think so. But the fact remains that throughout the pro-
                     cess I've depended most heavily on you, and you have served me best,
                     far and away.
              REASON: In other words, I've earned my keep?
              SELF: Something like that. And if you'll accept a position of inferiority, for
                     I admit that I'll be using you, and that I'll feel no obligation to be loyal,
                     then I'm sure I'll be much the better for your continued availability.
              REASON: I think I can see the irony.
              SELF: Can you see the reason?
              REASON: What kind of a trick question is that?
              SELF: I think we understand each other. This could be the beginning of
                     a strange and wonderful relationship ....

                                                       -THE END-
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