Page 39 - Contrast1975
P. 39


~Shuddered, and I reeled, then stood                      You blinked and questioned, but acquiesced
   POn the crest of a grey flood                          Finally 'neath the dreamer's trust:

!hat forced the space between this heart                  That all a dreamer sees is air
Ynd yours, my Barbara, to depart.                         What is to him is never there,
lour presence was so strong!                              Though fairies dance and lovers kiss
Fknew your dreaming mind was drawn                        They flee before the sun like mist.
Uron: out the kingdom of the night,
 nhmdered by gross mortal sight                          And so you settled on your throne,
T"Yo he, for now, the Queen of Love'.                    Thinking that your court was home.

   ea, kiss this rose and seek"                                                                      III
lie sai'd," to the' rose on her fair cheek."
                                                         The ancient man with lips of ice
~gladlY brushed it with my lips                          Breathed three times upon the glass.
                                                         "Where is the Queen of Love?" I cried,
" ot feeling thorns in finger tips.                      For all had gone without a trace.
IY~a, whisper to this ivory mask:                        "She is abstracted in mankind,
                                                        She is no more than womankind,
 will be ready for love's task."                        Though more than all the earth might hold
                                                        If Love's dark secrets should be told."
~Trnuttered this to its bland face                      These things he said, and presently,
AM'~mnotdtwhOi.thkr'angsigohf                           Held the golden glass to me.
                               lost  love's disgrace.
                               the   trees became       A thousand happy people swam
                                                        Into the limits of my ken.
A uted whisperers of your name                          Each man and woman had a child,
                                                        And each, as I perceived it, smiled
  nd the clouds took on your fo;m                       At cruel and absurd things in life:
And th e chill breeze became warm.'                    The discord and the constant strife,
                                                       For they had found their paradise.
IThen ,garowmg . phosphorescence                       And with a tear, I was aware
;.sued from the second mirror,                         Of subtle greatness moving there:
                                                       Within our souls, a grafted part
s~rst a dart of light, no stronger-                    Of a cosmic Human Heart.

I!lone forth from its golden essence.                                                             IV
   glowed a?d swayed within the glass,
Ifmoved with a supernal grace.                         I blinked my eyes, the glass was gone!
%ared to step toward the man                           The sun was born, the day had come!
                                                       And then I heard a waning voice:
"c 0 held such beauty in his hand;                     "Mine is the goal and yours the choice."

   Orne forward" he replied at last.

~nd there in silks of ether dressed,

T~t you, my Barbara, aggrandized.

B e nymphs and satyrs, hypnotized

y the garlands of your virtue

Andthe loveliness that is you
WCCra.otcwhdm' egd          the crofts of H'eaven
                    from    and heavy laden

G Ith grave mystery as treasure,

aVe you these for love in measure.

WYo.ur" seIf" was not disturbed in sleep,

   Ith only your sweet soul awake
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