Page 16 - Contrast19731974
P. 16

To be alive I is being a metallic capsule
with a hooked rod protruding from an end
floating through black, 1nf1nite space.
Sometimes you're lucky enough to hook
en to another metallic capsule with a sui table

and so, the two of you go spinning through

until the hook slips.  space together.

Of course. your hook eventually becomes

so that any other encounters you have with

                                          other capsules
leave you with nothing but dents in your

                                       metallic shell.
So you can't help to question if it's wortb it -

if the lonely, black. infinite floating is

                                                worth the
little bit of time your'ri given to spin.

To stupidly, dizzily spin through empty space.
To wander aimlessly through the golf course

                                    Singing to the fog.
To wonder at the delicate beauty of a friend's

Todance paSSionately communing with the

jangle of 8. gig1f, whirling in a vibrant spaBm.
To marvel at the vapory swirls of the clouds as

dance on the glisten of a full moon.                      they

To fly laughing across campus running before the

To gaze into your lover's eyes and fearleSsly

                                  say. "r love you."

                       Don Simmons
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