Page 13 - Contrast19731974
P. 13
The pond was 'live with boys and girls,
all movin"to and froe
Wesat down on. a log nearby, and Grandpa
watched them go.
"HUrry with your skates, Grandpa. Do
a trick or two."
"What's that? Oh, yes. Go 'long, son,
I'll catch up with you."
I glided 'round and told. the boys to watch
when Grandpa skated.
They were in far thrills. I knew. from
WM t Grandpa related.
The stage was set and some of us perched.
an old logs were waitin' •
''!'would be a super-duper show. "cause
'Grandpa would be skatin'.
He rose kind of awkwardly, and reached. the
big pond's brink r
Then straightening his majestic farm,
Grandpa stepped. upon the rink.
As he lifted up his left foot to make the
sta:rtin' stride.
Quite suddenly the other one also had
And now he was on his back, so flattened
This wasn't like the figures he had
told me, all about.
I skated over to him to help him to his
"Just a practice fall, that's all. D1.cin·t
you think it neat?"