Page 27 - Contrast1971Spring
P. 27

other. We reacted simultaneously when we found the strength to move. Having dropped his
rifle on seeing me so suddenly, he clawed desperately at an automatic which dangled at his side.
I jerked my own rifle to within an inch of his chest and pulled the trigger all in one slick move-
ment. I thanked God that the blast at the muzzle covered the dreadful look. He skidded back
a few feet and crumpled to the pavement,dead. I glanced around the comer, down the alley
from which he'd emerged, and finding it empty, pulled around into it. I gave a dozen quick
glances in every direction several times over and when finished, lay back against the building
noticing my rapid breathing. I fought myself under 'control. This was war. Compunction and
nausea were luxuries no one could afford. Walking away was infinitely more important than

walking away straight. I'd received my orders.
       New sounds brought me back to my senses. Scattered groups of the enemy were sur-

rendering. The sounds of their rifles hitting the ground and their shouts of "Kamerad" relieved
me immensly. I smiled but a sound from behind caused me to wheel and',instinctively level and
fire my rifle. He folded, hands coming down from above his head to clutch at his middle. He

fell.and I, now horrified, backed into the street.
        Things were happening now, people running for cover, shots careening off walls (this

time I did not stop to reappraise my situation in the room) about me and whining off to strike
again elsewhere. Chips of masonry were flying, clouds of dust raised at the end of the street
from bullets being discharged as well as striking. Men were screaming 'in pain, shouting orders.
I ducked back into the alley intent on rejoining the road behind the sniper entrenched at the
next comer. Iwas the only one in position to accomplish this, the rest of the patrol being further

up the street than I.
        I threaded a maze of alleyways and eventually emerged a hundred yards south of the sniper

fire. I could see him, crouched behind a sewer main that had been disgorged by a bomb, waiting,

no doubt, for another one of our men to show himself. I took deliberate aim and opened the


back of his head, watching with greatsatisLaction                                                                                                                                                                                                  as he slumped over. I started out of the alley.,

the danger at the point being obviously eliminated, when 11 shot rang out. from down the street

in my group. It was accompanied almost Immediately by a scream of pain and looking for its

source I saw the body of another man .fall from a window off to the side of the man I'd jusJ, done

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