Page 20 - Contrast1967
P. 20

speaking of the weather

       The weather is life itself -- a more abstract form of human

existence -- almost the essence of mind. It is mind manifested in

       Like human mind, weather is variable, constantly changing,
consistenuy growing from bare depressed states to fresh, creative
expressions. Even out of our bleakness comes creativity. Like con-
sciousness, the day's temperature rarely remains stable, but fluct-
uates from hour to hour. Like unconsciousness, night brings a lower
temperature, or depth of feeling -- stillness. Temperature is like the
psychic energy in a day's personality.

       But sometimes the night is stormy __ windy, cold, unresponsive
and aggressive, like a nightmare when consciousness is asleep.

       Day to day life is farcical and hypocritical, but life's mind __
the weather -- proclaims that, underneath, consciousness is the
same, whether human or natural. All ornamentation and affectation
put aside, basic life is all the same.

       At times the weather asserts itself and challenges humanity to
wake up and become as alive as nature itself. It shouts the joy of
living by pouring out its soul in the form of a fierce snowstorm, a

wailing wind, a symphonic thunderstorm, a blazing sun, shining
through the absurdity of naturalness wasted by thought.

At other times, as if overwhelmed by confusing despair, it

mistily lowers its foggy head to the ground.                       .,

       Weather is a uniting force for all minds __ a consolation in man s
confusion, yet, ironically, it is unknowing, hapless, accidental --

the "id" of the universe, making no distinction between destructiv.e

and life-giving forces. It does not know love or pain or guilt, yet It

exhibits its personality through an unbounded sense of the need to
give of itself.

      Timeless, constantly changing yet repetiUve, the earth ,S con-
sciousness looks down upon man's imitation and laughs.

                                                     Alice Brooks

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