Page 21 - Contrast1965Spring
P. 21
PETE the day those Land Rovers carne bouncing
into his territory. And the men! Those poor
~e's a big brute, Pete is. He has mean look- men who walked on two legs instead of four,
~ng ey~s - even though they are brown. I like any self re spe animal. Feeble little
men who couldn't even run down their quarry
aced him the first time we met. I mean when on their own, but had to be carried in strange
~ou'~e big and ugly and intimidating like he mechanical contraptions. How Pete must have
IS, It just doesn't inspire much warmth in stared at them. And what were those sticks
your beholders. But once you get to know him for? They were certainly noisy sticks - they
better you find that he's really quite placid, must be magic.
and that. unblinking glare of his is all just an
act. After a while you get used to his silent Well, Pete watched the men and their guns
acceptance and actually hope you can get the just a moment too long, and now he hangs
ta?le he oversees at the restaurant. The next there, looking disgusted with himself and the
thIng you know, your friends and you wonder rest of the world. Not that I blame him for his
What he's really like. bitterness-I mean, I'd feel pretty bad about it if
Iwereinhis place. Meanwhile, he's trying hard
Pete 'is a Cape buffalo, which explains a great to get accustomed to it all. He still must feel
deal. Mr. Abbo shot him while on safari. After out of place, but he has acquired a few friends.
.he brought his trophy back to the States he By now I have grown quite fond of the old It' In hiIS pi.zza restaurant. (I guess hI.S brute, and look forward to dropping by after
w ife did n ' t want 1. t around the house.) Anyway, a movie and having a pizza with Pete.
there hangs this beastial buffalo bust, looking
v~ry capable of snorting, or threatening you Dianne Petrovich
WIth those horns of his, or at least drooling
on the table; and as I said, his first impres-
sion is not too en dearing.
I don't think he lived in a jungle. I'll bet he
wanted . elbo w room, an d preferred plai.ns an d
open nver country. He was a leader. He may
not have ruled an immense herd but he at
least he ld dOm"In10n' over a family gr' oup. "Pete
the ~atriarch". He had an expansive per-
shonalIty - frree an d open. He was pretty
app_y, and I'll bet he bragged a lot. (Sort of
a reIncarnated Texan.) I wonder how he felt