Page 18 - Contrast1965Spring
P. 18
1. First of all realize what you are and accept 4. Therefore He digs you ... this is the
it for the moment. Next you've got to figure obvious.
you'll probably stay the same if something
outside (radical like) doesn't change you. 5. If you decide to decline tIhSi 0 ffer.' then
That's first. walk the other way ... never knowwg ....
2. Then forget about everything you ever 6. If you figure it's about the best deal .scianct ee-
heard about God because nobody has had life then dig Him man. I mean commufil He
a recent interview with Him to determine You don't- have to say anyt hiing, cause . st
His changing nature so why worry. I mean already digs you. I mean H e knows - JU nd
just cool it ... don't sweat finding out forget past and coo 1ยท it m. th e present Ifa in
what He looks like, etc. because nobody the Presence. Layout an d sun Yourse ing
has ever really seen Him (except in the it. Just lap it up because i.t k ee p s ruhnrusex
person of a guy who claimed to be a rela-
tive of His and made the scene quite a dout over your head, hands, stomac it; s
while ago ... thi s rel ati ve turned out to be
the real thing because of what he did in organs, kneecaps and little toes an
his life and the way he cooled it at the
end). great, really cool.
3. Now you've got to figure the obvious. Since 7. I don't have to tell you the rest. , c au.sek ytohuatr
we aren't too much with it as far as perfec- depends on you. May b e G0 d wo n't sodc' f yOU
tion goes. He either digs us all or says to life in a mold if you're lucky an I just
hell with it.
really cool it but don't sweat that ... Hien
communi cat e ... be yourself but let
point the way to your ultimate.
Carter Adriance
Do you feel Alone? Do you want to be invited to nice parties?
And meet nice people and get drunk and make LOVE to
Someone you have never seen before?
Do you feel as though you are wasting precious God-given time?
Caution: the contents of this bottle will relieve the symptom
but not the cause.
Joseph Giardina