Page 19 - Contrast1965Spring
P. 19





The f o11oW.lng work is an attempt at wrrtrng a      attempt arriving at any logical appraisals of
graphospasm - my first attempt at this style.        of words and phrases used in the context.
Graphospasms are very seldom used; the only          Digest the following work in its entirety, as
t,:o proponents of this form that come to my         you would eat a fig without breaking the
mind are the Beatle, John Lennon, and Lewis          membrane and spreading the seeds along the
Carroll. For the most part, people consider          plane of logic.
graphospasms childish and ridiculous. I have
no doubts that this is true, but in my opinion       What follows is farcical, ridiculous, a srrune;
the form does have its values.                       and with success it will picturesquely border
                                                     reality--all being said in this pre-natal-post-
Don't try to find any significant social mes-        mortum--leed us benign.
sage in the following work. Nor should you

                          RECIPE FOR A BURL YWEIGHT

"Eye be da grape st", shout he and thrown            warbling by heselfish. No morally am J iddy

aring-"All goom bas be prize in heben, and           and Torie and Glurg and Finkly his franks for
                                                     known they hare him wif really loafsomeness
I droop the beer in only seben." An ee dung-         to the boddenoff his blark sole.

he dun in Sarrow list I no-and doomed da             "I'm still the grizzlest," he shop s at the
                                                     berry toll of his ni ghcy shirt-and he ricky
deer in oney severn-just  like he stoned.            bloom hit inning the hard up this. And will
                                                     that thunkle in his bed he run mucho farst to
Krasco Key but anover hex so iss Mulaminous          all the columns of the heat to toll the pur-
Kasco ·Hex-spilt lick it' rounds. Now opfer          bles ... Burn whoeller he trawls don be-
the bear he goes unner ript pants and gropes         straggle wall he shoals. He knome be gelutted
all da heads in won punch and percei ves to          down froll cast a cast glowly, and not a gold
clobble them to the hearth. Nomebody coin            gnome nutley.
butt him so the polease have to say "Go your
way. and don hover me by see the step and            One doilly he comb into a lilly bowl to halb
bruni g more I clock in the matchbox you."           a broohm oral tW_Q.Heavenly body war to him
And. Cralus sheeps again above his rape ness         and said, "Glug" -Seeming a trite jombolly,
an rips abo~t the beedies singeing across the        he quilly humbled a choice to grog newly
Matson Squire Parlor into die outwide-none           friends and perforate the money di silrarions
but the stairs and the dark nought as company.       behag to ruly desulted. "Glug," he resounded
                                                     and smelled a big smell, sliming wif toad
Right no he's along bin himself in correctly         rooth s, sose to entrancerate the perbles in
                                                     the bowl with his saffernation. They all then
s?ltcltude. He say . 'Whore my friends-like

J ibby and Tor ie, and Glurg, and. Finkly," and

then he relate for the first tomb sink his

delegritition at poreffer he doommed to pay

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