Page 16 - Contrast1963v7n1
P. 16


Dusky shadows of the morning
Merge with fading pools of night,
While the starshine slowly dwindles
In a growing screen of light.

On a leaf a dewdrop glistens--      white,
Echo of the waning moon--

Speck of brightness, spark of
Herald of the coming noon.

Dark clouds and golden highlights
Mark the east where lives the sun
In the moments of the morning
When the day and night are one.

Nancy Mengel


Gone from my window,

,boughs of smoldering amber

graceful maples, resplendent

like ladies in lustrous gold brocade
curtsying to their partners.

Winds have snapped from gaunt       trees
the last brown clinging Ieave s c,

now rustling in the dead grass
as steps trod in expectancy
of dazzling white.

Lofty green pines stand majestic
against the burnt brownness;

a world soon to be born again
as hills of deep purple wine
become cushions of white
enthroning the silver skies.

               Trudy Jo Hahn
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