Page 13 - Contrast1962v6n1
P. 13

there lies the city

                                                                           by joseph spear

  There, on the earth's surface,
 Lies the city,
 Surrounded by a network of superhighways.
 The automobiles, in their flashing splendor, zoom by.
 Overhead stream the airplanes,
 The jets breaking the various barriers.
 The imagination of man,
 Fertile though it be,
 Is outdone by the marvels of science.

 It is night.
 The city's illuminations project high into the sky.
 The neons blink,
 The whistles of the traffic cop,
 The automobile horns, the sounds of man-made machines,
Fill the air.
Laughing voices, scuffling feet,
 The sounds of people hurrying to and fro,
Happy in their own little worlds.

Blinking lights,
Music escaping between swinging doors,
Advertise of a busy night club.
Within are many, their voices low,
Their tinkling glasses accompany their merry feelings.
The starlet sings, her beautiful voice enhanced by the music of the

She is a famous person,
Known throughout the country.

Over on the street corner stand the thugs,
Cultivating their minds with evil conversation.
Behind them is AI's,
Where the local boys play their pool.
Inside, the boys squint,
Trying to see through the blanket of smoke.

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